Generic Viagra

Sildenafil Citrate

There is no doubt that it is a modern medicine. Although it exists not for a long period and there are many drugs with similar action at the market in UK, it has proven as the best medicine for strengthening of sexual potency and eliminating erection disorder.

This is a blue pill of 100 mg with a light cavity in the center to enable you to split it easily and precisely into two parts. Its basic substance is Sildenafil Citrate. Internal chemical structure of this medication is similar to the original one. Just the flavor, color, packing and marking of the medication slightly differ.

Viagra drug acts in the following way:

  • After Viagra adoption, the blood volume flowing to the penis enlarged substantially which means that the natural erection occurs.
  • The erection begins just in presence of exaltation.
  • Penis backs to the normal condition once the sexual act is finished.
  • It influences only the men’s natural capacity for erection and it does not lead to the drug tolerance, so that you can buy Viagra over the counter.

In the UK, the Viagra is available for sale in the online-shops and therefore you can easily and quickly buy it.


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